Getting around ASCILITE 2022

All major events for ASCILITE 2022 other than the Tuesday evening conference dinner will be hosted on the main campus of the University of Sydney on Gadigal Land. This main campus has two halves, Camperdown and Darlington, and the former holds all conference venues. This part of campus lies between Parramatta Road and City Road and is bordered to the east by Victoria Park. The main thoroughfare between Parramatta Road and City Road, on which you will find the conference registration desk and all sessions, is Eastern Avenue.

Once you are on campus, conference staff will be identifiable by their dark blue ASCILITE t-shirts. Please feel free to ask anyone, at any time, if you are unsure of where you need to go.

We also recommend using MazeMaps to find your way around campus.

Map of University of Sydney campus showing locations of conference venues

Getting to the University of Sydney

The University of Sydney’s main campus is a large one, and below we have included instructions for getting to the location of the registration desk and all sessions, the New Law Building Annex. The on-campus social events take place close by, and instructions for accessing them can be found further down the page.

Public transport

The New Law Building Annex is accessible via bus from the University of Sydney Main Gate bus stop on Parramatta Road, or to the University of Sydney City Road bus stop on City Road. The closest train station is Redfern, and it is approximately a 20-minute walk from there to the conference location.

If travelling via public transport we recommend using Google Maps or to plan your journey from your hotel. The two bus stops are approximately equidistant from the main conference building (New Law Annex, see below), but access from the City Road bus stop has smoother gradients.

The New Law Annex building (where the conference is being held) is closer to the main thoroughfare, Eastern Avenue, than the ‘New Law Building’. Understandably, many people get these buildings mixed up.


If you are travelling via taxi or Uber we recommend using Fisher Library as your drop-off spot. It’s located at the northern end of Eastern Avenue and is the closest car-accessible spot to the New Law Building Annex.

This is also where the conference dinner buses will depart from and arrive back to.

Location of taxi stand outside Fisher Library


Parking is available on campus, but please note that many carparks on campus are set aside for staff parking only. We recommend parking in the Shepherd St Carpark on the corner of Cleveland St and Shepherd St. From there, it is an approximately 10 minute walk to the New Law Building Annex, walking via City Road and then Eastern Avenue.

Parking on campus is available at a rate of $4 per hour up to a maximum of $24/day, using the CellOPark app. Instructions about casual parking on campus can be found on the University website.

Conference registration and session locations

Registration desk and parallel sessions - New Law Annex

The conference registration desk is located in the foyer of the New Law Building Annex, located on Eastern Avenue. It is accessible via bus from the University of Sydney Main Gate bus stop on Parramatta Road, or to the University of Sydney City Road bus stop on City Road. If travelling via public transport we recommend using Google Maps to plan your journey from your hotel. The two bus stops are approximately equidistant from the New Law Building, but access from the City Road bus stop has smoother gradients. 

Location of the New Law Annex, right on Eastern Ave thoroughfare

The New Law Annex Building is located midway down Eastern Avenue. To access the registration desk, enter the New Law Annex via Eastern Avenue and take the stairs or lift to the right of the coffee shop found on the ground floor, Taste Baguette, down one floor.

The registration desk hours are as follows:

  • Sunday 4th December 09:00 – 17:00
  • Monday 5th December 08:00 – 16:00
  • Tuesday 6th December 08:00 – 15:00
  • Wednesday 7th December 09:00 – 16:00

All parallel and poster sessions will be held in close proximity to the registration desk in the New Law Annex building and clearly signposted. A map is available on the last page of the conference program. If you are unsure at any time about how to get to a room, please ask a conference staff member in a blue ASCILITE t-shirt.

Welcome and plenary sessions - Eastern Avenue Auditorium

The conference welcome, awards, and all three invited speaker sessions (Peter Felten, Dominique Parrish, and Ella Kahu) will be held in Eastern Avenue Auditorium (EAA), next to the New Law Annex. EAA is located closer to City Road along Eastern Avenue.

Eastern Avenue Auditorium building next to New Law Annex

Welcome Reception and Newcomers’ Breakfast

Both the welcome drinks on Sunday evening (17:30-19:00) and the newcomers’ breakfast on Monday morning (07:30-08:45) will be hosted at the Holme Building on the University’s main campus. The Holme Building is a five minute walk from the New Law Annex, and is very close to the University of Sydney Footbridge bus stop on Parramatta Road. The Holme Building itself is located on Science Road, and we recommend taking either the step or ramp entrances. 

Sunday evening welcome reception - Courtyard Cafe, Holme Building

Once you have entered the building, the Courtyard Café will be immediately in front of you. The welcome drinks will take place in the Courtyard Café.

Monday morning newcomers' breakfast - The Refectory, Holme Building

The newcomers’ breakfast will be in the Refectory, a function room accessible via the Courtyard Café. Follow the signs to the Refectory, which is a large room found behind these arched windows.

Arched windows of the Refectory in Holme Building

Conference dinner

The conference dinner will take place at Luna Park in Milsons Point. Information about how to access Luna Park, as well as the bus pick-up schedule, can be found on the social program page.