November 14, 2022

Factors Influencing Polytechnic Educators’ Behavioural Intentions to use Technology Enhanced Learning Tools: The Structural Equation Modelling Approach [80]

This study examined factors that affect educators’ behavioural intention to use Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) tools in a polytechnic in Singapore. Five hundred and twenty-five educators completed a survey measuring their responses to six variables in the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study is related to the sub-theme of reconnecting people with educational technologies. Social and environmental constructs were included to measure the influence of other persons and the facilitating conditions on the educators’ intention to use (IU) TEL tools. Structural Equation Modelling was used to test the research model. The results showed that attitude towards usage (ATU) of […]
November 14, 2022

Quasi-synchronous discussions: A proposal to measure the effect of Teams on cooperation, belonging, emotion and interactions [149]

As students begin to reconnect after the COVID-19 pandemic, changing student expectations around online engagement seem to be suggesting that new approaches should be adopted. Recent research has found that students who engaged with each other in a discussion task in a synchronous mode were more willing to work together, felt more positive and more like they belonged than students in an asynchronous mode.  We wish to extend these findings by investigating whether Microsoft Teams promotes a quasi-synchronous mode of discussion and has a similar beneficial effect.  The proposed study adopts a mixed-methods approach of quasi-experimental design to address this […]