November 14, 2022

The remote studio: Enabling higher quality teaching and learning resource creation in satellite campuses and increasing equity [214]

Satellite campuses have had varying success with some being in a state of decay (Fraser & Stott, 2015, p. 79). The distribution of resources is often contentious. Learning within these environments can be an underwhelming experience and students complain about unequitable learning experiences compared with their parent campus cousins. These frustrations are compounded with the costs of studying being the same (Fraser & Stott, 2015, p. 81). Another concern is that satellite campuses have a higher percentage of low socio-economic students (Ballantyne as cited in Craft, 2019, p. 1372). This is only going to rise with the Australian government enacting […]
November 14, 2022

Trauma-informed learning in online and blended learning environments [169]

This pecha kucha presents guidelines for design and delivery of trauma-informed learning in online and blended learning environments and a case study. Traumatic experiences are common in our community. In Australia it is estimated that 75% of the population will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives (Productivity Commission, 2020). Traumatic experiences can be caused by abuse, neglect, natural or community disaster, war, violence, witnessing death, and other emotionally harmful experience(s) that have a lasting effect (SAMHSA, 2014). These can have profound impacts on behaviour, interpersonal relationships, and learning (due to difficulty with organising and comprehending new […]
November 14, 2022

Object-Based Learning Rocks! Integrating Digital Solutions into Geology Practicum [57]

Over several years, the authors have pursued technology solutions to the difficult arena of moving geology practicum work into the online space (e.g., Tetley and Daczko, 2014). Through a partnership of teaching academics with professional staff trained in digitisation and software development, the authors have now solved the problem of verisimilitude and utility and opened a raft of future opportunities including a smooth and seamless transition to online teaching when presented with recent pandemic lockdowns. “Teaching geology with digital tools advances students’ learning experience by providing access to high-quality outcrops, enhancing visualization of 3D geological structures and improving data integration.” […]